Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Gnome-Fest = shenanigans. Equals a broken arm, boobies, and naked guys. At least I was festering in my wrestling mask under the name "Juan" and the liver was working overtime.

Frames, November. Most popular order is Brown Star...Orders sure are coming in for that frame. I'm going to raise the prices only to $200 and still, free shipping to USA orders.

The company that's making my design is backlogged with a huge array of other frames, like Soma, Surly, etc. Yes, same steel as Surly steel, so they're strong, like a bull, like a thick rope, like your mom.

In the footoore, I will have off beat one off colors from a powdercoater here in Milwaukee. Still cheap though.


~gomez~ said...

That's all you have to say about the most cataclizmic gnome migration of the new mellinium? Say it isn't needs a dog....or a monkey.....I'm wanting a cross check......or a poke check above the eye.

HBFK said...

I know she needs a dog, but I have to wait until she's 7 years old...that's 5 years from now.

Yes, that's all I have to say, I am just a bystander that likes to stand by...