Monday, November 20, 2006

crotch area mange

Send me your answers…

What’s the dumbest thing you’ve ever done in a car?

I now play a game called “GAY”

When I am riding, and a car is trying to beat me to a stop sign, its called GAY. So in my mind I say: whoever gets to the stop sign is gay.
I’ve lost few times, but won a bunch of times.

Sorry I’ve not posted in a while. A round of crazyness and business all around.

Friday, some drinks with some local chums: LHT Guy, Horse Lady, and The Baltimorean.

Saturday, went to a nice and cool ride under the bridges on the north side of Milwaukee. I had a blast hangin’ out with the Gnome Fest crew. Check out some of that stuff here.

Yesterday, quality family time and doing normal house chores. Sarah and Annabel are priceless, and after hearing a most depressing radio ad: Eat Right, Exercise…and yes, you still die! It makes me just want to spend more than 100% tome with my family.

So the thing didn’t work. I guess I was relying too heavily on the notion of pre-orders. The most sought after frame was the Brown Star. I don’t think there’s too many manufacturers out there that make a brown street fixie…I went too gung-ho with it and it bit me in the ass. Financially, I’ve already recovered with a broken pride and a furrowed brow…oh well.

I am testing the waters here though this. 29ers a la dissent from Misfit Psycles. You want one? I’m your USA guy for it. I’m building mine soon.

Seems like I need more coffee…I have to ride out in an hour.

27 degrees outside and full of happiness.

Anyone want a cat? Or two?

Yesterday I was cleaning up the garage, and I saw the most grotesque squirrel hanging out on the Chipmunk Stump. I call it that because that’s where many of those little furry pests met their slingshot demise…
This squirrel had mange, and it looked so old and haggard. I should have shot it with the slingshot of death to put it out of its itchy misery, but I just didn’t feel like having to retrieve the rodent, so I just gave it the finger and called him a homo.

Til next time…

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